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Your dedicated digital accessibility team

Our accessibility services are designed to enable the highest level of compliance and accessibility, in full compliance with european and local legislations.

Collage di immagini, la prima mostra una persona
con disabilità motoria che naviga sul web,
la seconda mostra un componente del Team AccessiWay 
ed una persona con disabilità 
motoria davanti un computer

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Stylized illustration of AccessScan analyzingStylized illustration of Stylized illustration of AccessScan analysing an e-commerce site and declaring it compliant

Find out for free if your website's code is accessible and get a score!


Our accessibility services:

Accessibility Services

Hourly/daily support in the implementation of accessibility projects by our experts. Each team consists of two types of professionals: project managers and accessibility experts.

Accessibility expert activities:
Initial Accessibility Audit
Delivery Detailed Report
Checking implementations
Project Manager activities:
Definition of project objectives with the customer
Creation of the best possible roadmap in order to achieve objectives
Coordination between AccessiWay's activities and the activities carried out internally by the client company
Activities for the continuous alignment of stakeholders

Analysis of Website Accessibility

The output of the analysis is a detailed report containing the level of accessibility and conformity of the site.

The report can be requested in Basic, Complete, and Custom formats.

The standard accessibility analysis provides a detailed snapshot of the accessibility status with clear evidence of errors.

The premium accessibility analysis also contains solutions to be adopted and includes accompanying implementation sessions.

Immagine stilizzata di una pagina web con diversi errori di accessibilità. A sinistra sono presenti due riquadri: il primo mostra  una linea di codice con attributo ARIA, il secondo fa vedere il Team AccessiWay in chiamata con un cliente

Analysis of Mobile App/Post-login Areas/Web App/Intranet Accessibility

Examination of the touchpoint by an accessibility expert.

The output of the analysis will be a detailed report. It is necessary to conduct a "quick assessment" in order to review the previous service to guarantee the most correct investment.

The price of the analysis varies according to the complexity of the touchpoint and the number of hours the expert will spend carrying out the analysis.

Immagine stilizzata di una pagina web con diversi errori di accessibilità. A sinistra sono presenti due riquadri: il primo mostra  una linea di codice con attributo ARIA, il secondo fa vedere il Team AccessiWay in chiamata con un cliente
Pragmatic Approach
Our aim is to help you achieve full accessibility according to your possibilities and needs.
Cutting-edge technology
Our software powered by artificial intelligence allows you to make your website more accessible and maintain its accessibility over time.
Skills and Dedication
With our expert team's 20 years of experience, we can help you make all your digital touchpoints accessible.
User First
We collaborate with users with disabilities on a daily basis to refine our solutions and our offer.

We have made 600+ brands accessible

Read the Testimonials
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Logo ForbesLogo La StampaLogo Startup ItaliaLogo Il MessaggeroLogo RDSLogo ADN KronosLogo l'Economia del Corriere della SeraLogo Super AbileLogo ANSA

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