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User Testing
It is always recommended to carry out a user test in order to receive
feedback from final users of the services created. When a user test is
not carried out by a user with a disability it is referred to as
"heuristic", a heuristic usability evaluation must be carried out by an
expert who knows the touch points necessary to carry out a correct
Carrying out a User Test means recreating model situations in order to
assess the level of usability of a website. It therefore consists of an
analysis of the level of accessibility, carried out by users with
disabilities who reproduce tasks on the ICT tool being evaluated,
supervised by an accessibility expert. At the end of the assessment,
qualitative feedback of the user experience is given in the form of a
The "User test" Consulting Service follows the AgID guidelines,
therefore: The organisation of the testing project is the responsibility
of the RFU ~ Human Factors Manager ~ User test 3 People: defined by AgiD
" Below Threshold". User test 5 People: defined by AgiD " Above
How the user test is composed:
The RFU must know the Disabilities from a Humanistic point of view,
he/she must not be a technician (neither the RFU nor the user tests).
A Human Factors Officer (RFU) is mandated to carry out a prior
analysis of the application under evaluation and structure the
activities to be administered subsequently to the pool of employees
with disabilities.
The Human Factors Officer (RFU) identifies persons with different
disabilities to whom the test, consisting of the various activities to
be carried out independently, is to be administered. The types of
disabilities that can be called upon for assessment include motor,
visual and cognitive disabilities.
Following the completion of the activities by staff members The RFU
administers the questionnaire on the twelve factors relevant to the
accessibility/usability of the website produced by AGID.
The RFU carries out a semi-structured interview with the collaborators
aimed at exploring the user experience.
Haven't we solved your doubts?
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No problem, we are always available for any questions or concerns you may have.The Costumer Care area will receive your contact information and get back to you as soon as possible!